Nelson and Tasman's Garden & Property Maintenance experts servicing
all areas from Atawhai to Wakefield
Phone Us - 03 544 0444
Email us - al.fresco@xtra.co.nz
As well as taking care of a wide range of gardening services, the team at Al Fresco can help around your house or property with a wide range of handyman services.
No job is too small for us, so even if you have minor issues, we are happy to come over to your property and sort it out.
Leaky tap? Jammed door? Broken window frame? Cracked guttering? Damaged kitchen cupboard? Holes in walls? Broken letterbox? The list is pretty endless...!
Our Property Maintenance team in Nelson is very skilled in these domestic tasks and will be able to take care of you with a minimum of fuss and disruption to yourself, your tenants or your business.
We are able to tackle:
Outside and exterior jobs
Water blasting
Guttering cleaning
Fencing, paths/paving, patios, decks.

Before and after photos for a job to fix up some pavers that had sunk. The house was about to be put up for sale, so the pavers all had to be lifted up, and some new sand & basecourse put down to give them a good base and then the pavers were put down again.